Is there an App?
Currently, you can download Meety as a PWA (Progressive Web App) through the button in your profile.
Our goal is to test our idea and gather your support. In the future, we might proceed with creating an app for Android and iOS.
How can I make the website like an App?
With the following 2 steps, you can make the application more user-friendly and the experience closer to a native app:
- Download the PWA (progressive web application) through your profile or the prompt. On iOS, add it to your home screen via the share menu.
- Enable device notifications (push) to get instant updates on new messages on your device.
How do I create a post?
How do I enable notifications for new messages?
Notifications for new messages are enabled by default for your account email. If you are not receiving them, please check your spam folder.
Additionally, we recommend enabling device (push) notifications to receive them instantly on your phone or computer. The settings for message notifications can be found in your profile.
How do I enable push message notifications on iPhone and iPad?
iPhone and iPad users need to add Meety to their home screen through the share option before they can enable notifications.
After that, you will find the activation button in your profile.